When we’re looking for a healthy alternative, we’ve been trained to assume that whole wheat bread is a healthier option than white bread. However, “healthier” doesn’t necessarily mean “healthy,” and not all whole wheat breads are created equally. The nutritional content for different whole wheat breads can vary wildly, and the facts behind Pepperidge Farm’s 100% Whole Wheat bread could raise an eyebrow.
“Healthy” means different things for different people, but a key factor is knowing what’s in the food you eat so you can choose what’s right for you. While most foods now have nutritional labels that make it easier to find the good stuff, some foods you might not think to check need a second look, especially when they might be sneaking in higher amounts of sodium and sugar than you might expect.
One example is Pepperidge Farm’s 100% Whole Wheat bread, which has 4 grams of added sugar per 49-gram slice. With 8% of your daily recommended sugar in a single slice, that makes it one of the most sugar-dense whole wheat breads on the market. The 100% whole wheat flour used in Pepperidge Farm’s bread offers a bitter flavor, and the extra sugar is added to counteract that bitterness while helping the bread to rise faster. Most whole wheat bread on the market has at least some added sugar, but Pepperidge Farm’s 100% Whole Wheat beats most of them.
The upside of Pepperidge Farm’s Whole Wheat bread
It can be hard to compare brands without doing additional math as the nutritional information is based on serving size (usually one slice), and slices can vary from 25 grams to 50 grams. Private Selection’s whole wheat bread has slightly less added sugar, with 3 grams in a 45-gram slice. Sara Lee, Great Value, and Nature’s Own’s offerings all have much less sugar, each with just 1 gram in a 26-gram serving. However, the standout is the Wonder Small 100% Whole Wheat, which contains no added sugars at all.
While Pepperidge Farm’s 100% Whole Wheat bread does contain one of the highest amounts of added sugar on the market, there are a couple of silver linings. While some products use high fructose corn syrup as a sweetener, Pepperidge Farm uses sugar and molasses. While it’s still added sugar, molasses contains additional vitamins and minerals you won’t get in the high fructose corn syrup.
Additionally, while Pepperidge Farm’s whole wheat tops the sugar charts, it has a lower sodium content compared to similar products. While a single serving contains 8% of your daily recommended sodium, that serving is a large 49 grams. Brands like Sara Lee squeeze 5% into a serving nearly half the size, while Private Selection bread has 270mg, or 13% DV per 45-gram slice. As is often the case when it comes to healthy eating, it’s all about balance and knowing what to prioritize for your needs.